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Holborn Corporation Announces Non-Executive Officer Promotions

Following on from our announcement of Executive-level promotions, Holborn is pleased to also announce a number of Non-Executive officer promotions.  Similarly, the announcement of these promotions was first made at Holborn’s recent employee-owned shareholders’ meeting.  These promotions further illustrate Holborn’s…

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Playing A Different Game: Why Holborn Stands Apart – APCIA Today Interviews Greg Kaiser

  In conjunction with the first day of its annual conference, APCIA Today conducted an interview with Holborn’s Greg Kaiser regarding the firm’s client-centric approach to delivering the whole spectrum of analytics, traditional brokerage services and advice.  Specifically, Mr. Kaiser…

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About Holborn News
In addition to Holborn-related industry news, staff and board member updates, highlights of recent and upcoming events, and information on upgrades to analytics, claims and other services, our "News" features up-to-the-minute reinsurance industry posts, trend analysis and opinion pieces, not only from our leadership, but also from experts across the insurance industry.